Monday, January 7, 2013


Have you ever ask yourself this question---

Honestly,,, nothing. In truth you are fine.There really is nothing wrong with you. That’s my perspective with everyone I talk to. And I talk to a lot of people because I do this professionally.

The next question is:
“But I don’t feel fine. Why do I feel so lousy, (angry , sad, unhappy, jealous , insecure, anxiety, etc)?”
Be...cause the emotions you feel are being created as responses to beliefs you have.Your beliefs are negative, fearful, anxiety ridden, and your emotions respond accordingly. Your emotions are responding perfectly to what is going on in your mind.

The problem is that you are having negative and fearful thoughts running through your mind,and you are believing in them. How you feel emotionally is just a natural response to the beliefs you have.The important thing to understand is that YOU are not the problem. There is nothing wrong with you, it’s what is going on in your mind that is the problem.Your mind has thoughts and beliefs that are false and fear based. You are not those thoughts and beliefs.

As a matter of fact, you aren’t even the one thinking them. Your mind is tossing them about your imagination all by itself.
In my approach I make a distinction between YOU, and your mind which is made up of your thoughts and beliefs. YOU are fine, but your mind is filled with false and fear based beliefs.

Some people will then ask, “But why am I thinking all these negative thoughts. This is my point, YOU are not the one thinking those negative thoughts.Your mind is thinking them all on it’s own and taking you for a ride much like a daydream, or even a night time dream. Sometimes those daydreams turn into very focused horrific scenarios and can seem very real.Your emotional body can’t tell the difference between reality, and what you believe is reality so it reacts according to those dreams in your mind.

Your physiology and physical body can react as well. Your adrenalin will kick in when there is a fearful thought, as well as other fight or flight responses.You then might have the physical responses of those chemicals in your system as well as tightness in your muscles, shifts in your digestion, accelerated heart beat, on top of your emotional responses.Your specific reaction will depend on how fearful the thought is, how strongly you believe it, and how much awareness you have.

Are you saying this is all in my head?
No. Some of your emotions might be from very real life experiences. Some of our emotions can be from real life events while some emotions are in response to what our mind projects.

Those are dreams you are having in your mind. They are imagined projections about how the rest of your life will turn out, or how your children’s lives will turn out. They are generally fearful, unhappy, and only exist as movies in your imagination; or what I call dreams in your mind. You might also call them thoughts or beliefs.

The distinction that is important to make here is between the facts, and what your mind projects onto the facts. Some of your emotions are a response to real life events. But many of your emotions, are from things you imagine.To have the clarity to perceive the difference between reality, and projections of the mind is what I call AWARENESS.

Awareness is critical to changing how you feel emotionally.
With awareness you first become aware of the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and judgments the mind projects all by itself. Then notice how much of your emotions come from your mental projections.These are the emotions that are easiest to change. You will still likely have some emotions stemming from the reality of how your life is changing. These emotions can and will change too with some more attention and practice. It is also much easier to change these emotions once you don’t have the added layer of emotions coming from your negative thoughts and fear based beliefs.

What you discover in this process is that YOU don’t have to change. That’s because you are not the problem. You are fine. The problem is with the negative thoughts and false beliefs in your mind causing all those emotional reactions. When you change the interpretations your mind makes, your emotional state changes.Then you are back on your way to feeling fine again. This is why developing awareness is the key to lasting happiness.

Even the question, “What is wrong with me?” is a combination of thoughts and false beliefs. It is built on the assumed belief that:

a) There is something wrong with me.

b) I don’t know what is wrong so that is another problem of not knowing.

C) I should know what is wrong with me but I don’t so I feel confused because I don’t know something my belief system says I should know.

All of these thoughts have us chasing some phantom idea that there is something wrong with us.Why don’t we find it,,, because there is nothing wrong with us.Yes we feel bad, but that is because we are caught up in these assumed beliefs that there is something wrong.

It’s like we got on the wrong line of questioning and it is taking us into a nightmare dream that there are no answers for. It’s equivalent to spending time trying to answer the question, “What is the smell of piano music?” It’s a nonsense question and we would be wasting our time trying to answer it. The same is true for the question, “What is wrong with me?

We are much better served asking questions like:

What do I believe that isn’t true?

Is the thought my mind thinking helpful to making me happy?

What assumptions are behind that thought that make it not true?

How are those false beliefs affecting me emotionally?

What are the steps to changing these beliefs?

Impact World Arena (I.W.A).... Inspiring Possibilities...


Youth on fire! We are ablaze!
We are able , well able to overcome all impossibilities
Through God, our strength will not fail
Through man, we won't stop impacting.
Through all, making the world a peacful place.
We are youth, youthful and useful.
We are the brave soldier of the cross,
The heart beat of any nation.
... With God our patron,
Holy spirit our matron,
Human as our network, our future is wonderfully bright.
We exist to plan d exit of problems.
A solution and a remedy;our main purpose on earth.
I am a youth,therefore i am not a fool
Because in me lies the full potential.
Our laws and creeds are in a book.
That gives birth to every other books.
In it lies the mystries that gives us victories.
I am youth and that makes me a builder of the world.

Impact World Arena (I.W.A)... Inspiring Possibilities.

True Secret to Success (It's Not What You Think)

If you're not exercising this emotional muscle, you're probably setting yourself up for failure.

I'm utterly convinced that the key to lifelong success is the regular exercise of a single emotional muscle: gratitude.

People who approach life with a sense of gratitude are constantly aware of what's wonderful in their life. Because they enjoy the f...ruits of their successes, they seek out more success. And when things don't go as planned, people who are grateful can put failure into perspective.

By contrast, people who lack gratitude are never truly happy. If they succeed at a task, they don't enjoy it. For them, a string of successes is like trying to fill a bucket with a huge leak in the bottom. And failure invariably makes them bitter, angry, and discouraged.

Therefore, if you want to be successful, you need to feel more gratitude. Fortunately, gratitude, like most emotions, is like a muscle: The more you use it, the stronger and more resilient it becomes.

Practice Nightly
The best time to exercise gratitude is just before bed. Take out your tablet (electronic or otherwise) and record the events of the day that created positive emotions, either in you or in those around you.

Did you help somebody solve a problem? Write it down. Did you connect with a colleague or friend? Write it down. Did you make somebody smile? Write it down.

What you're doing is "programming your brain" to view your day more positively. You're throwing mental focus on what worked well, and shrugging off what didn't. As a result, you'll sleep better, and you'll wake up more refreshed.

Reprogramming Your Brain
More important, you're also programming your brain to notice even more reasons to feel gratitude. You'll quickly discover that even a "bad day" is full of moments that are worthy of gratitude. Success becomes sweeter; failure, less sour.

The more regularly you practice this exercise, the stronger its effects. Over time, your "gratitude muscle" will become so strong that you'll attract more success into your life, not to mention greater numbers of successful (i.e., grateful) people. You'll also find yourself thanking people more often. That's good for you and for them, too.

This method works. If you don't believe me, try it for at least a week. You'll be amazed at what a huge difference it makes.

BY Geoffrey James,
Courtesy of I.W.A

10 Questions That Create Success

10 Questions That Create Success

Real success comes from the quality of your relationships and the emotions that you experience each day. That's where these 10 questions come in.

Want help focusing on what really matters? Ask yourself these on a daily basis.Ask them at the end of each day and I absolutely guarantee that you'll become more successful. Here they are:

1. Have I made certain that t...hose I love feel loved?

2. Have I done something today that improved the world?

3. Have I conditioned my body to be more strong flexible and resilient?

4. Have I reviewed and honed my plans for the future?

5. Have I acted in private with the same integrity I exhibit in public?

6. Have I avoided unkind words and deeds?

7. Have I accomplished something worthwhile?

8. Have I helped someone less fortunate?

9. Have I collected some wonderful memories?

10. Have I felt grateful for the incredible gift of being alive?

Here's the thing. The questions you ask yourself on a daily basis determine your focus, and your focus determines your results.
These questions force you to focus on what's really important. Take heed of them and rest of your life—especially your work—will quickly fall into place.

BY Geoffrey James
Courtesy of I.W.A

GET OFF THE NAIL! by Jerry Clark

Over the years I have met and observed thousands of people and each and every last one of them say they want some improvement in certain areas of their lives. In fact, most of them flat out confessed that they hated certain situations they were in. But after further evaluations, I discovered that they weren't willing to do anything about it. It seemed to be good... enough for them to just sit there and wallow in their pain, anguish and misery.

Last year, motivational speaker Les Brown and I were chatting after we had both conducted trainings for a Network Marketing Company. We were talking about the number of people who say they want to make changes but don't seem to ever do anything about it. I told him it reminded me of a story I heard him tell an audience over 10 years ago. Here's how the story goes ;

One day a man was walking down the street on his way to work. As he walked down the street, there were dogs on just about every front porch and they all would bark as the man walked passed them. However, there was one dog that he remembered, because this dog was just sitting there and he was whimpering and whining and moaning, you know the little whimpering sounds dogs make when they are wounded or in some sort of pain. Well this particular dog was just sitting there on the front porch making those sounds. The man was curious as to why this dog wasn't barking like the other dogs and why he was whimpering. He couldn't figure it out, so he just kept walking to work. The next day he was in the same situation where he was walking down the street and saw the dogs once again and this same dog that was moaning and groaning the other day was doing the same thing today and he just couldn't figure it out. Well, he walked past for an entire week and every day the dog would be there moaning and groaning. So, finally, the guy got fed up, he said "let me find out what's going on." So he went and knocked on the door and a guy came out and said, "Yes, how may I help you?" He said,"Sir, is this your dog?" "Yes, that's my dog." "Well, what's wrong with him?" The owner of the dog said, "What do you mean?" "Well, he's been sitting here moaning and groaning, whimpering and whining for an entire week. The rest of the dogs are barking, your dog should be barking too, why is he moaning and groaning?" The owner said, "Well, he's actually sitting on a nail." He said, "What! Your dog is sitting on a nail. Why doesn't he get off?" "Well, it just doesn't hurt him enough ; says the owner.

What i found out is this :

Most people reading this article on this page now are just like that dog sitting on a nail. I mean, sure, they would like to get off the nail (bad situation, corruption, unemployment, injustice, extortion, and other unpleasant things going on in our country, Nigeria ), but what if they got off the nail and they died or something? They never seem to stop to consider that maybe they would be healed, maybe they would be free, maybe they would be able to move about and discover some new and exciting options for their lives. But noooooo. Instead, they just sit there on that nail because they're not sure what's going to happen if they voice out or if they get off. I mean, there are no guarantees of safety so to speak. Even though, it's not the best feeling in the world, sitting on a nail, I mean,it's not comfortable sitting on a nail, it kind of hurts, but at least they know what to expect. They know that they have few nairas coming in so they can pay their bills and put food on the table and they can put some cloths on their back and a roof over their heads. You know, that's enough for most people sitting on the nail. They may even get upset with you if you question their so-called security, I mean, if you hand them a book or tape program or tell them about a seminar that can give them some effective strategies for getting off nails, they may resent you for it. Well, you're different. You are willing to learn some effective nail removing strategies that could set you free because you and I both know that there is no such thing as security. Well, maybe I should take that back. I do know of a place where security exists on this planet. It's called the graveyard. And you know what, most people tip toe through life so that they can arrive at the graveyard safely. Of course this will not be you...Right? That's right...Simply because instead of Moaning & Groaning, Whimpering & Whining about not getting the results you desire, you are a Developing Charging Champions...And Champions always choose to GET OFF THE NAIL and Create the conditions they desire...So Until Next Time, Be Sure to...
GET OFF THE NAIL & Always remember that ***until the present unpleasant situation of this country hurt you real bad***, that is when the eyes of ur invention and creativity will open. But as long as it does not hurt you real bad, you will just be moaning and groaning, whimpering and whining like the Dog.

Don't be a deficit to humanity!

Impact World Arena.... Inspiring Possibilities...