Thursday, December 27, 2012

Set Goals for 2013 You Can Achieve

You have big goals next year. Make sure you set out to achieve them in a way that works for your brain.

If you're a left-brained thinker who behaves in a calm, focused manner, read another article. You already think rationally, schedule fastidiously, document your objectives clearly, and check them off your list. So stop reading this already.

For the rest of y...ou--the right-brainers, the multi-modal people, who are known to be gregarious and abstract thinkers--pay attention.

You need to set big goals in 2013. You already know that. The challenge for you is to turn those big goals into action, keep yourself accountable, and do what you say you're going to do.

You have the ability to do this, but, the truth is, when it comes to setting goals, especially in business, it's a left-brained and logical, process-oriented, structured world.

Your challenge is that you're not going about goal setting and goal attainment in a way that aligns with the way your brain works.

You've been coached on goals the old way:

1. Write down your goals.

The stats even back up how important this is. People who write down goals are 33% more likely to achieve them!

2. Cull a detailed, organized list.

Tie your goals to specific dates with smaller deliverables every step along the way.

3. Make each goal SMART.

SMART goals are specific, meaningful, achievable, relevant, and timely.

These steps are useful--for left-brainers. They won't work for you. You probably wrote down a careful list of SMART goals, but how many times did you look at it? Are you still even working on the same goals you wrote at the beginning of the year (or even the day)? I doubt it.

The key for you--an outgoing right-brainer--is to look deeper at what your goals are about. Give yourself manageable and actionable deliverables that will result in productivity. And tap into your brain.

Here's how:

If you're a social thinker, record your goals on paper, but also in conversations and interactions with other people. Have others keep you on task. It's amazing how well this works and you'll actually enjoy it!

If you're conceptual, writing down goals probably seems pointless. Instead, dream big and trick your brain by thinking of your goals as a vision for the future. Draw a metaphor of your goals and revisit those images frequently.

If you tend to think in a multi-faceted way, you'll find many different goal-setting models helpful. Don't be constrained to one; instead experiment with many to find the best (or a few strong) fits.

In addition to how you think, know your natural behavior propensity, and set goals that match it, to help you succeed at your goals.

If you're quiet, you're probably perfectly comfortable writing down your list and personally checking it. But if you're more on the gregarious end of the spectrum, you should use that fact to your advantage--get others involved with your goals, and ask for their help. Be loud about what you want to achieve.

If, however, you have a competitive and driving personality, try not to push objectives purely for the sake of it. Or if you're more of an amiable person, create goals that will make a difference, and commit to doing them even if you rock the boat.

When it comes to flexibility, if you prefer clearly-defined situations, you probably already know that goal setting comes naturally--just make sure you revisit goals frequently to know if and when you need to change something to achieve them. If, on the other hand, you're comfortable with flux and welcome change, goal-setting probably seems tough. Use your adaptability as a strength; since you're open to new things, try out different goal-setting styles to hone in on the right path.

Goals are made to propel you to be successful. Use your brain to achieve big things in 2013!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Success Stories or Failure Stories: which teaches you the most?

Everyone loves stories especially when such stories are based on real life experiences. Everyday news is filled with stories of individuals who made or broke it. Human naturally love challenging stories; stories of exploit, stories that touch them emotionally. Now I want to bring the subject of stories down to entrepreneurship.

The media is constantly graced with stories of successful entrepreneurs that built multi-billion dollar businesses and became billionaires. The media sometimes also publish stories of entrepreneurs and business that got hit by a storm. I once watched on the news the story of a billionaire that committed suicide during the recession.

Now my aim of writing this article is not to share stories with you but to impact something into you. I am writing this to re-direct your perception. You must have heard different kinds of stories about entrepreneurs and their businesses but the question I want to throw to you is this:

Success Stories or Failure Stories: which teaches you the most?

While I am not trying to discredit either of them, I want to draw out some points you can ponder over in your quiet time. Success stories or failure stories: which teaches you the most? While I may not know your answer, I want you to know that I love failure stories.

Why People Love Success Stories

1. Success stories inspire the spirit
It makes us know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Above all, success stories give hope. That’s why people love success stories; they want to be convinced it can be done and they are always happy to learn that someone has actually done it.
Success stories encourage entrepreneurs to press on. It makes us see the big picture in our imagination. Such pictures are very important in helping us maintain focus and stay true to the entrepreneurial process.

2. Success stories make you famous

Share your success story in public and the next minute; everyone wants to be your friend. This is because people love been associated with success. That’s why it’s often said that success has many friends but failure is an orphan. Most of us are conversant with the notion that the best way to learn is to learn from the experience of others. Now where can such experience be found? Such experience can be found in failure stories.

Failure Stories And Success Stories3.

1. Failure stories teach you more than success stories
Most people hate sharing their failure stories because such stories make them look dumb. But it’s in such failure stories that real life and business lessons can be found.

2. Failure stories are usually about mistakes made and the resulting consequences. Though it sounds painful, scary and unexciting, its message can be very valuable. Mistakes are the way humans are designed to learn; without mistakes in life and business, there will be no progress. "Success is a poor teacher. We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. You cannot have success without failure." – Rich Dad3. Failure stories make you humble
Sometimes as entrepreneurs, we get arrogant and egocentric but hearing a failure from a once successful entrepreneur puts our mind back in check. Failure stories bring us back to the reality that the odds will always be there; irrespective of how successful we are. It makes us remember that we may lose all someday; it helps us realize that the only constant thing in life is change and nobody is infallible.

"One of the great things about being willing to try new things and make mistakes is that making mistakes keeps you humble. People who are humble learn more than people who are arrogant." – Rich Dad4. Success stories attract fools and lazy bums

Have you ever been pitched by a multi-level marketer before? Have you ever been pitched into investing in a get rich quick scheme? Have you ever been scammed before? If your answer to any of the questions above is yes, then you will understand why I said success stories attract fools and lazy bums.

Humans naturally are lazy, they want the good things of life; yet they are not prepared to pay the price to acquire such lifestyle. The reason I hate sharing my success story is because such stories attract fools and lazy bums. It tends to make the entrepreneurial process of building a business look like a smooth ride.
If you have read the articles on this blog where i shared my personal experience, you will observe that I would rather share my failure story than share my success story.

Tell a story today of how you made a million dollars overnight selling a single product and you will see thousands of people jumping into that same line of yours; hoping to make a million dollars.
But failure stories increases your cautiousness. It makes you respect the odds; thereby helping you avoid throwing caution to the wind.

Do you know why Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic was able to win the fight against giant British Airways? The reason Virgin won was because Richard Branson leveraged the failure story of Sir Freddie Laker’s airline to help Virgin resist the competition.

5. Failure stories bring out your inner strength

Success stories inspire; but failure stories bring out your inner strength. After reading the book "Losing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way", a book that highlights the business challenges and struggles faced by Richard Branson; I made a stern resolve to succeed. It was consoling to know that I wasn’t alone in the struggle; it was comforting to know that the business challenges and failures I am experiencing wasn’t personal, it was part of the process of starting a business.

6. Failure stories makes you a better entrepreneur

The last thing I love about failure stories is that it makes us better entrepreneurs. When we listen to failure stories, we learn from the mistakes of other entrepreneurs and we strive not repeat such mistakes. Failure stories increase our business intelligence; it helps us avoid silly business mistakes and above all, it makes us smarter.As a final note, these are the reasons why I love failure stories over success stories. Success stories inspire and motivate our spirit but we learn the most from failure stories. So whenever you hear a failure story; don’t laugh or wave it aside. Try reflecting on it because you might pick up a valuable lesson.

Impact world Arena... Inspiring Possibilities..

Monday, December 17, 2012

Attitude Towards Life Matters

Sometimes life gets tough and we need that little something to keep us going. That little something is inspirational quotations. We love to read and get inspired from them, but a few seconds later we throw them out of our head. The way we perceive life most of the time, is wrong. Probably the biggest thing we all search for in life is happiness.People who search for happiness think that money and fame will make their life perfect. As good as that sounds most of the time, that statement is not true at all.

You have to be thankful for everything you know and own. Just when you want something better than you already have (Example: a new iPhone,) remind yourself that someone in the world has never even had the privilege of using such technology. There is somebody always better than you and always somebody less fortunate than you. Until you find the middle ground and accept what you have, you will not reach happiness.
Now while reading this you are probably thinking we sound like your mother. Just like that person who always loved and cared for you, we are trying to help you in the right direction.

We strongly encourage you to read and register for every single one of our quotations and walk away with a brand new mindset. I strongly believe that each and every one of us has a creative mind, and the reason we don’t use it is because we are afraid of failure. I strongly believe in this quote "If you never try you’ll never know." As corny as it sounds it’s true. So next time you doubt yourself think of this, and show people what you are made of. The worst thing that could happen is you fail, big deal, get up and try again.Today we have gathered some of the most inspirational quotes we could find. All of the quotations below were hand-picked based on the message they sent. Of course as our name suggests we want to feed you with inspiration, so grab your favorite piece of beverage and enjoy the following quotes!

We could all take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
– Author Unknown
Life is just a chance to grow a soul.
– A. Powell Davies

Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives.
– Frederick F. Flack

How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
– George Washington Carver

Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.
– John N. Mitchell

Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
– Mark Twain

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

One might well say that mankind is divisible into two great classes: hosts and guests.
– Max Beerbohm

Do not worry about what people are thinking about you — for they are not thinking.
– Author Unknown

Pessimism…is, in brief, playing the sure game. You cannot lose at it; you may gain. It is the only view of life in which you can never be disappointed.
– Thomas Hardy

Never stand so high upon a principle that you cannot lower it to suit the circumstances.
– Winston Churchill

Sunday, December 9, 2012


A man of purpose that has been endorsed by heaven to be known by both the young and old, foolish and the wise, the rich and the poor at the age 25 is still struggling With his "local champion title" at the age of 40 all because such destiny has been ignorantly traded by the god of this world, the devil, for a blessing that is limited. See a destiny that is meant to be operating under a open heaven but the heaven of such star has been shut, how is it possible for such star to shine? A man that heaven rejoice over when such fellow was given birth to, such fellow is now the person making heaven to mourn.

A woman of great virtue that should be operating at the peak of all things is now the one that is being fed with the food of sorrow and affliction. A person that is entitled to level 21 as heaven has announced it but is now operating at level 4 due to spiritual blindness and inability to hear from God, yet, such fellow keeps bragging that he has arrived, what a great tragedy! I pose this again to you: IS YOUR EXISTENCE A REGRET OR A REMEDY?

Let me chip in this : A young star was conceive and was ignorantly delivered or given birth to into the hands of the household wickedness; don't be surprise by this because the mockery and pulling down of any one that is meant to be a star will certainly start from his or her own household.

Joseph the dreamer as a case studyGen 37:3-11(Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors. And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him. And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying).we can see the level of hatred that the brother of Joseph has against him. I now see reason why the book of all books in Matthew 10:36 says that : (And a man's foes shall be they of his own household..KJV).
Don't misinterpret my word, all am letting you know is that, it is not virtually everyone that is interested in seeing you grow big, some will say "after all you meet them in this world" and they know all the ups and down of this world so to them, it is a taboo to see a person that is far below their age rising up. Some will even say "let us wait and see what will become of him", this was the statement that Joseph brother utter at his back while plotting evil for him, I pray that the best effort of the enemy to truncate your purpose on this planet earth will be towards your greatness in the name of Jesus..

It is not a doubt and i believe you will agree with me that presently, we are in a world that is pushing hard day and night to make people somebody else away from his or her dream. To be nobody but yourself in this cruel world is a battle every high-flyers,(I mean those who what to be great) must not only confront and fight, but fight to ascertain victory..

For the fact that you are making your request known to your maker and he is granting you answers does not implies that you are getting it right..Many has now abandon the reason for which they are born and that now trending the ways of destruction that appears to be friendly unto them whereas, the devil has handed over a shovel and a digger unto them while they ignorantly prepare and dig their own grave themselves.
Dalai Lama once wrote that "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." This word as small as it is, should be what every individual needs to ponder on, on a daily basis. What is the essence of your existence if you can't proffer solution to the problem of people around you, what are you still living for if all you can become is to be an instrument of cruelty in the hand of the devil, of what importance is your presence when your appearance causes tears and pain to people that come across you. What purpose are you fulfilling if all you can ever offer your generation is nothing but a heap of problems. Have you been destined to be a problem to your world or has it been written that the best you can become and the greatest name you can bear is Brother FAILURE and Sister NOBODY.

I don't know how much has been spent so far on you or how much you yourself has personally invested in your life, will all that be a waste also, brothers and sisters. one thing i know is that no matter how pressed-down you can be, there is still always if not much, a piece of good news in the life of everyone. So why can't you start from that point, yes I mean start now and be determined that you will not be a wasted champion in the market place of life..Wasted champion in what sense, right?

There are many people out there that are champions but they themselves fails to develop and activate the hidden treasures in them that ought to have announced them positively to the world, but instead of that, their problems and living a life of the tail has announced them negatively to the world.
In fact, their names has been forgotten..people now use their problems and condition as a point of contact to them, i pray for you that every longtime problem that has now become a name with you will expire in the name of Jesus.

I could remember in some years back, I ask some set of people a question and the response they gave me that day was absolutely that of a confused fellows. I discover through their response that their mindset is all about going to school, bagging some certificate, getting married and making babies like a factory. That is actually what life is about to a shallow thinker.

PURPOSE, yes that is what we are discussing here : As a brother that has been marked for greatness, you can't just eat anywhere anyhow, you can't just have anyone has a friend and you can't do everything that others are doing. To you sister, a sister with so much virtue like you can't just dress and talk anyhow, it is not all that come to you that you must say yes to, and some sisters have been blinded by the devil so much that at the slightest provocation or sexual urge, they themselves quickly pull off their skirt. A woman of virtue is to be far from all that! why must you trade yourself so low to the extent that what is going on, on the mind of any man that approaches you is to sleep with you.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our Will ; Our Voice

We all av dreams dat keeps us going.Dissapointment&challenges are bound to com,but our 'will' of possibilities&act is our only voice!U matters a whole lot!IWA